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Lowongan BUMN Telkom Vision

Lowongan kerja pekerjaan BUMN Telkom Vision
Telkom Vision, We are a fast growing Pay TV company in Indonesia, seeking for highly innovative candidates to fill in our vacant positions as:

1. Customer Care Manager
2. Broadcast & On Air Manager
3. Advertising Sales
4. Telemarketing Manager
5. Telemarketing Staff

6. Project Manager
7. Financial Analysist
8. Field Sales Supervisor
9. Sales Administration
10. Technical Supervisor

Qualifications needed:
1. Bachelor degree form reputable university
2. 1 years working experience in the same position
3. Excellent in English both oral and written
4. Max. 35 years old
5. Good communication skill
6. Love and able to work on challenging assignment and dynamic working environment

Should you meet the qualifications above, please submit your curriculum vitae be sent electronically to:

hrd@telkomvision. com

Closing date for application is October 15, 2008

Please note that ONLY qualified candidates will be contacted

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