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Mozilla FireFox 3.0.8 Final - Web Browser

Mozilla FireFox 3.0.8 Final

Mozilla FireFox kini telah hadir dengan versi yang baru : Firefox 3.0.8 Final. Firefox 3.0.8 direlease untuk memperbaiki dan menyempurnakan beberapa bug dan kekurangan yang terdapat pada versi sebelumnya. Sehingga pada versi yang baru ini Web Browser Firefox makin nyaman dan bagus untuk digunakan.

Mozilla Firefox - Faster, more secure, easier to use and sporting a new look, this latest Firefox release sets a new standard for web browser innovation. Mozilla Firefox project (formerly Firebird, which was formerly Phoenix) is a redesign of Mozilla’s browser component, written using the XUL user interface language and designed to be cross-platform. It is small, fast and easy to use, and offers many advantages over other web browsers, such as the tabbed browsing and the ability to block pop-up windows.

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